You noticed something is wrong with the app and some features are not working the way they used to. We understand how frustrating this can be and we are here to help. Please keep in mind that the app and its features are constantly being updated by our engineering team as we intend to provide the best possible experience to our community. Sometimes this can affect in a way that some features get shut down, get changed, or break down. In case you get yourself in such a situation, we recommend the following troubleshooting steps that can help you resolve the issue you are experiencing and if nothing helps, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.
Please check if you are using the most recent version of the OS on your device. Sometimes this makes a crucial difference as certain apps require the latest updates to be installed so that they can run properly. To check this you will need to go to your device’s settings and check if there is any OS update available for you to install.
Please ensure that the app you are experiencing issues with is up to date. Our continuous efforts are aimed at providing a smooth experience for all consumers of our products and this often involves making some fixes and releasing app updates. The best way to have your app updated is to entirely delete it and all data cached with it and then download and install it again on your device. Remember, deleting the app will not delete your account with Foursquare, so there is nothing to worry about when doing this.
Keep in mind that any app will work on your device only what you allow it to do. If you haven’t allowed certain permissions to the app, you might run into errors or restricted functionality with specific features in the app. Don’t forget to be connected to the Internet and share location services as Foursquare is a location-based platform and our products require access to this service to properly work.
You checked everything above and everything is up to date on your device but something is still wrong, don’t worry, we are here to assist you. Please reach out to our support team with a brief explanation of what is happening and we will do our best to assist you immediately. You can submit a ticket to our support team via the following link.