Simply said, you will appear visible to others as long as you adjust your profile to be visible and as long as you don't hide your profile from others. To make the most of the "Here Now" feature on Swarm, follow these guidelines:
- Activation Steps:
- When you check into a venue, you'll see your check-in details along with others present.
- Go to your profile/privacy settings and select "Include me in the public list of people who are currently checked into a venue."
- Viewing Other Users:
- Click on the "x people are here" option to see a list of others who have checked into the same location.
- Note that you won’t see yourself in this list from your profile.
- Setting Preferences:
- Allow users to see you in a public check-in in settings/privacy.
- Grant all necessary permissions to the Swarm app on your device, including location and tracking access.
- Your most recent public check-in is visible if it was done within the last three hours.
- Ensure your Foursquare account is at least seven days old.
- Understanding:
- Swarm is social but not for dating. Having many people at the same location doesn't guarantee friend requests.
- Factors Affecting Here Now:
- Cheating on Check-Ins: False check-ins will exclude you from the Here Now list.
- VPN Usage: Avoid VPNs as they can conflict with Swarm's settings and cause malfunctions.
- Off the Grid Check-In: Your name won't display in the list but will be counted.
- Account Verification: Some regions may require full account verification by adding your mobile phone number.
Utilize the Here Now feature responsibly and authentically to connect with others on Swarm!